If you have an old dinosaur of a hearing aid, it’s time to replace it. The question is, should I do it now, or should I hold off? Your hearing aids seem like they still work, right? Did you realize those hearing aids are more than a decade old?
Do you assume that your old hearing aids are fine? Ask yourself “what is the actual cost”? We have made many huge advancements in hearing aid development in last few years. It’s moved from analog to digital, to begin with, and there are features now that weren’t even in the design phase a decade ago. It’s definitely time to think about an upgrade. Think about a few reasons why.
Reliability is a Challenge When You Have Outdated Hearing Aids
Older or even cheap hearing aids have many issues including that annoying buzzing you hear once in awhile. And what about that feedback anytime you go anywhere near a phone, that’s lots of fun. Then for no apparent reason at all, it starts to make weird noises. What caused it this time?
Just Because You’ve Become Used to it Failing, That Doesn’t Mean it’s ok
It’s not that unusual for you to hang by yourself and miss out on the stimulating conversation. How unfortunate was that time your grandson sang you a song he learned but you could only hear little bits and pieces? You just pretended that you heard it but you didn’t.
Older hearing aids have all of these Problems. With the last generation technology, we simply turned up the volume. Nowadays, hearing aids perform amazing tasks like filtering out background noise. So no more air conditioner noise. That fan was actually not as loud as those old hearing aids made it sound.
Ultimately Older Hearing Aids Will Cost You More
One concern when you are shopping for new hearing aids is undoubtedly the cost. When you think about all the factors, you will come to realize that out of date hearing aids will end up costing more than new ones. Analog devices require new batteries regularly. If you are replacing the battery daily, or even more frequently than that, the expense adds up.
Don’t forget the service costs with older technology. You can compare it to an old car. It’s in the repair shop more than it’s in your ear and repairs are not cheap.
Smart Technology Gives us Great Advantage Over Older Devices
The majority of modern hearing aids have Bluetooth capabilities. Older analog devices don’t have that. With the new Bluetooth technology you hear the tv, Your cell phone, or your computer with your hearing aid.)
In Your World, if You Can’t Communicate Your Lost
Research has shown that hearing loss often means a smaller paycheck. What person couldn’t use an asset to their career? high-quality hearing aids are that asset. When you’re at work, it is essential to hear your bosses directions or maybe even a customer’s questions. No more having to worry over whether you missed crucial information, or whether your hearing aids will stop working at the worst time.
And everyone knows that quality communication is the foundation of quality living. No more getting stuck in the middle of conversations that you can’t even hear. Jump in and engage with the people around you.
The Question is, Why Shouldn’t Your Hearing Aids be More Fashionable
How do you really feel when you see yourself in the mirror with those out of date hearing aids on? Clunky? Noticeable? Seriously?? When you replace your old hearing aids you have the significant benefit of increased flexibility and superior style. Today’s hearing aids come in a range of shapes, sizes, and colors. You can have one tucked so tight into your ear, no one will ever notice it, or you can make a fashion statement by getting a visible hearing aid in your favorite color.
How do You Know When the Right Time Has Come For an Upgrade
Now you know all the reasons to upgrade your hearing aids. Nevertheless, some telltale signs will indicate that your hearing aid is an antique:
- Your hearing has changed. you’re not hearing as well as you used to even with the hearing aid in .
- Your life has changed, and your hearing aid has a hard time keeping up. It’s a pain to remove it just to talk on the phone, or maybe you’ve changed jobs and now you have to deal with more background noise.
- Your hearing aid won’t stop quitting. It’s just not reliable anymore, and that’s a big concern.
- You know for a fact your hearing aid is analog. Ouch, go digital fast.
- Your hearing aid is heavy. Clunky, older technology is heavier.
- When you look in the mirror, your hearing aid is all you can see. That old technology is really bulky, too.
- You are replacing the batteries every day. Modern hearing aids are much more energy efficient and some come with rechargeable batteries.
It’s not brain surgery. If you’ve owned your hearing aids for more than seven years, it’s time to trade up and hear better. Contact a hearing aid professional to get started.